Time is the scarcest resource of all. Our time is limited. With all the things to learn in life, what are some protips to optimize time to learn? Find out a few below! Instead of listening to music during the drive to and from work, working out, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, or other chores, choose to optimize your time by listening to podcasts or audiobooks while doing these activities. I’m not saying to give up listening to music. Music is the universal language and plays an important part of life! Just recognize the opportunity to learn through some multitasking. If you are streaming TV or movies, you can work on your grip strength or practice holding your breath longer ! Some highly recommended podcasts are: https://mastersofscale.com/ https://mastersofscale.com/rapidresponse/ https://www.jordanharbinger.com/ https://darknetdiaries.com/ https://cloud.withgoogle.com/cloudsecurity/podcast/